
Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Ili kuweza kufanikiwa ku unlock Huawei Modem E153-U1, E153-U2, E153-U3 Permanent Unlock,unatakiwa kuwa na software zifuatazo mwana complex
Here are the Software Needed:

1. Download the QPST Software.
2. Download the Huawei Flasher, credits to “FrAnCeScO” for making this flasher. Updated Link
3. E153 Downgrade Firmware

File Attachment:

File Name: ComplexSystem-huawei_flasher_1.6.zip
File Size: 191 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: ComplexSystem-huawei_flasher_1.6.zip
File Size: 191 KB

Na hapa ndo tunakwenda sasa kwa kupeana steps kwa ajili ya ku-ulock huawei modem yetu

1.Cha kwanza kabisa unatakiwa u-Make a backup first of your NVitem using QPST. Unatakiwa ufanye kwanza hili kabla hata haujafanya any flashing kwa hiyo Huawei Modems ili uweze kuwa na backup ambayo utaitumia ku-restore katika device baada ya kuiflash.
Sasa utakuwa unajiuliza ya kuwa hii Buckup nafanyaje?
sasa twende sawa na kwa makini sana hapa.
1.Download QPST Software and install it.
2. Tambua what port your modem is assigned. Jinsi ya kutambua unatakiwa ufanye hivi
-go to control panel
-device manager
3. Open QPST Program kwa kufanya hivi
-Click “Start”
-”All Programs”
-Select QPST Configuration
4. Add the port that we see on the device manager. That is the port of our modem.
-Click “Add New Port
5. Unchecked the “Show Serial and USB/QC Diagnostic Port Only” to show all available ports.
-highlight the assign port of modem, in this tutorial the assigned port is “Com4″. Click “OK”
-If the port that you select is correct, your Phone name will looks like this:
Highlight the COM4 based on this tutorial but it depends on what port your modem is assigned, and click “Start Clients” and select the “Software Download
While in Software Download Mode, the port must be the assigned port and if not, click the “Browse” in the right to search for the port. Click the “Backup” Tab and click “Browse” in the right “QCN file” in searching the directory to save the backup file. Lastly click “Start
2. Hatua ingine sasa , Tunaenda ku downgrade firmware yetu kwa kutumia Huawei Flasher ambayo pia nitakupatia hapa. Kwa hatua hii hakikisha tayari ume backup your NVitems kabla ya kufanya hii flashing. Kwa sasa una update the links for the Huawei Flasher to the version 1.6. Uta update next the instruction hapa chinikwa kutumia Version 1.6 ya Huawei Flasher kwa utofauti mdogo wa maelezo kwa kutumia Version 1.1.
Na sasa unatakiwa kufanya kifuatacho;
1. Chomeka modem yako kwenye PC,na ikitokea dashboard ifunge kwa kui-close dashboard
2. Run the Huawei Flasher (no need to install).Hii application hapa inahitaji internet connection kwa flasher kuweza kufanya kazi.
3. Sasa angalia kama port ya modem yako iko detected,
4. Click “Select Firmware” and point on Download Firmware, it must 6246_K kama unavyoona kwenye picha hapa chini
Uncheck the bin number 6 (it must be unchecked so that no error will appear while flashing)
Click “Flash Modem” then “Normal Mode” then a popup will appear na kukuuliza “Press OK if modem is connected” wait 10 sec before you press the “OK”. When you have done pressing the OK, the bin will start to loading except bin 6 because we have unchecked it.
Sasa unatakiwa uiacha mpaka pale itakapokuwa imemaliza ,huwa inachumua muda fulani hivi mpaka kumaliza the bin number 8. It will have an error in the end of the Bin number 8 ila hivyo ni sawa ,unachotakiwa sasa kufanya ni ku re-plug your Huawei Modem kwa SimCard ingine .Baada ya kufanya hivi usifungue hiyo dashboard kwa sababu bado hatuja maliza mchezo wetu, sasa tunafanya ile restore kutoka backup tuliyoifanya katika step ya kwanza kabisa.
3. Restore NVitems –kama hautofanya hivi, the unlocking process ambayo umeifanya itakuwa haijakamiliaka successfull na matokeo yake utakuwa umepoteza IMEI za modem yako.
Sasa Ndugu yangu Re-insert or re-plugged your huawei Modem na tumia ile QPST kwa ku restore your NVitems ambayo umei-back up. Browse the locationambayo umetumia kusave ile backup.
Baada ya ku restore NVitems, re insert your Huawei modem kwa SIMCard ingine yeyote utakayo na mzigo utakuwa kama hivi mzee
usishituke hapo muonekano huo nimetumia sim card ya Smart

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